March 10, 2021

On the "Best" Government Ever....

The "BEST" Government Ever?!!

In a little over seven years of Modi's government, the grand narrative of the "best government ever" lies in absolute tatters doesn't it??? 

On any measurable metric this government's track record is dismal. And that's me being kind. 

When I read the built up narratives released by this government, many of which are so tactical, fluid and fast changing as reactions to their failed policies shift from reduced trust, to dissappointed acceptance, to muted murmurings of dissension to outright protest, the one constant that strikes me is a total inability of this set  to do a serious cost benefit analysis.

On issue after issue reading the government's stated cost benefit analysis draws a unsuppressable gasp of disbelief. And often, unrestrained laughter, because I confess my humour stems also from very dark places of late... 

It's as if they don't even care to hide the fact that the costs will be borne by the poor, the migrant labourer, the farmer, the soldier, the student, the teacher, the average taxpayer, the minority, the oppressed castes, the tribals , the doctors, the artists, the journalists( an almost extinct species in India today - something I'll again blame this govt. for!), the lawyers, etc. and of course any dissidents foolhardy enough to oppose them, while the benefits will be suborned almost entirely by the government, its cronies and those with whom its playing a flirting game of footsie in order to expand the space occupied by government.

Their tag lines when they arrived were "Acche Din Aane Wale Hai", "Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas" and "Minimum Government, Maximum Governance", three truisms that this government used so cleverly to come to power but abandoned so totally once in power in a volte face so brazenly overt that my mind is sincerely impressed by those who (pretend to?) miss this hypocrisy.

Of course, one must concede that they are themselves alive to this reality, notice how the refrain nowadays has become "Desh Khatre me Hai, Hindu khatre me Hai?, Modiji( And most recently the slip showed when it became Ambani ji) khatre me hai?". Honestly, not noticed it yet??

The real question is, if that's their current claim then let them answer from whom, and the answer to that my friends is this government 

If you as government are so fragile skinned that dissent of any measure or manner is anathema to you, it essentially is clear that you fear those who you promised to protect and act on behalf of.

If you as a government are therefore afraid of being exposed for the lying fraud that you clearly are, then so be it..

Be afraid, be very afraid indeed, because the truth always eventually outs! 

And though YOU never respected this land, and its many diverse ethoses and values, YOU should at least remember the most powerful motif of the symbols of power you wield, the motto of our nation, which is " Satyameva Jayate!" ( Truth alone Triumphs!) and be reminded that  in your constant lies and prevarications, YOU represent the worst Anti-national influence this country has seen in long decades...

Is this really the government we want to entrust further crucial years of our  nation, our polity, and our social trust to?

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