September 11, 2020

On Chaos and Order

The Fascinating Mandelbrot /Julia Sets:

Anyone who's been following my blog knows I have this unending fascination with the Mandelbrot Set...

Watch the video below, as one steps into the world of the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets. If Spock were around I'm sure you would hear him say, "Fascinating!"


The process by which the Mandelbrot evolves is sublime, magical, mathematical and above all mystical. Arresting. Mind Expanding. Mind Creating even. Truly Powerful. And exceptionally, exceptionally beautiful. And so , so simple. Who would have thought all it took was to plot an equation as basic as z= z^2 + c. Mandelbrot would have, of course!

And as he best put it himself in his inimitable french accented english and mischievous imp like smile, " I can see things that  nobody else suspects, until I point out to them, "Well, Of course! Of Course!" but they haven't seen before! "


On Order and Chaos:

The play between Order (Cosmos) and Randomness (Chaos) is ages and aeons old. Time and Space are thus but partitioners - partitioning infinitesimal segments of infinitesimal segments within this play. Wheels within wheels.Layers within Layers. Levels upon Levels. Like Warp and Woof. From the smallest point the mind posits to the largest Universe the Mind can conjure and all in between. Are they all connected ultimately?

The process where boundary fluctuation and turbulences give an illusion of interplay locally. But the interplay isn't local it's everywhere for every ordered system a boundary. At every boundary turbulence, at every turbulence , chance, randomness and Chaos.

Chaos or Cosmos? Randomness or Order? In effect the Mandelbrot is a very structured arrangement of geometric points (because as anyone who has played with Mandelbrot/Julia Animators will know, each and every point on the mandelbrot set corresponds exactly to corresponding points on any given Julia set), but, there are fascinating caveats to this order, like for instance, the unbelievably detailed and deep self symmetry, the profusion of details that proceeds when you zoom at any given point of the graph, or the fact that the boundary of the set is infinitely detailed / long / slipping into and out of the Mandelbrot set itself in a bizarre and unpredictable manner!

So What is it all about Ultimately?

And so, making leaps elsewhere from there, as Mandelbrot would I suspect, no doubt approve:

Does the Mandelbrot Set tell us something about the very nature and structure of the very fabric of our Space-Time Continuum? Is it a set that brilliantly illustrates the Transition from Chaos to Cosmos and its complicated transition from one to the other and vice versa? Is the set merely a tool to examine self similarity? Or does it say something about our Universe? Predict a Grander Order? Explain a Small Chaos?

This universe. Our grand mystery. Is really quite simple a story perhaps? And does the Mandelbrot have interesting multiple takes on this story?

This universe. Our grand mystery. Is really quite simple a story perhaps? And does the Mandelbrot have interesting multiple takes on this story?

I really don't know about late old Benoit..but I would really like to think so!