You would'nt believe it, but time flies, shit happens, and sometimes even before you know it started, its over...I guess that's the best way to describe the first trimester at IIFT that just whizzed past..five days hence, we begin with our end terms...yesterday things came to a head with some really hectic assignment deadlines converging as big wave converges on big wave to form a mean tsunami, but we survived that too!...The pic above is us yesterday night, fighting to meet deadlines...I suppose it's only fair to admit here that my room has pretty much looked like this throughout the trime. But with exams round the corner, the stickler in me was aroused and anyways, I usually go out of my way to find some excuse, any excuse, to stay away from my books...even if it is for that one second extra..so i decided to clean my room... And.....

Voila!!!!...Clean Room :)

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